Angular Environment Store

Stores the environment properties that the Angular application needs.

EnvironmentStore is a singleton service responsible for maintaining a reference to all the technical or functional properties that the application needs. It is the most important service of the library and must be implemented to manage the environment state.

Can be integrated into any application using the provided default implementation or creating a custom one to integrate it with any state manager already used by the application.


A simple implementation of the EnvironmentStore that uses a BehaviorSubject as state manager.

This store is provided by defaut when running EnvironmentModule.forRoot(), but can be provided manually.

import { Provider } from '@angular/core';
import { EnvironmentStore } from '@kuoki/environment';
import { DefaultEnvironmentStore } from '@kuoki/environment-angular';

export const ENVIRONMENT_STORE_PROVIDER: Provider = {
provide: EnvironmentStore,
useClass: DefaultEnvironmentStore

Unless ENVIRONMENT_INITIAL_STATE is provided, the initial state of the store is {}.


The ENVIRONMENT_INITIAL_STATE injection token is used to set the initial store value to DefaultEnvironmentStore.

import { Provider } from '@angular/core';
import { ENVIRONMENT_INITIAL_STATE } from '@kuoki/environment-angular';

export const INITIAL_STATE_PROVIDER: Provider = {
useValue: { a: 0 }

The default value provided by EnvironmentModule.forRoot() is {}, but can be set in configuration.

import { EnvironmentModule } from '@kuoki/environment-angular';

EnvironmentModule.forRoot({ initialState: { a: 0 } });

Use cases

Below are examples of the expected behavior and some implementation examples. To learn more about environment store and how to create them you can read the documentation.

Table of Contents
  1. Create a custom store
  2. Provide the initial state from local storage

Create a custom store

To create a custom environment store that uses ENVIRONMENT_INITIAL_STATE simply complete the next class.

import { Inject, Injectable, Optional } from '@angular/core';
import { EnvironmentState, EnvironmentStore } from '@kuoki/environment';
import { ENVIRONMENT_INITIAL_STATE } from '@kuoki/environment-angular';

export class CustomEnvironmentStore implements EnvironmentStore {
protected readonly initialState = this._initialState ?? {};

protected readonly _initialState?: EnvironmentState
) {}

// Complete the implementation

Once implemented must be provided:

  1. Using the EnvironmentModule.forRoot().
import { EnvironmentModule } from '@kuoki/environment-angular';
import { CustomEnvironmentStore } from './';

EnvironmentModule.forRoot({ store: CustomEnvironmentStore });
  1. Using a provider.
import { Provider } from '@angular/core';
import { EnvironmentStore } from '@kuoki/environment';
import { CustomEnvironmentStore } from './';

export const ENVIRONMENT_STORE_PROVIDER: Provider = {
provide: EnvironmentStore,
useClass: CustomEnvironmentStore

Provide the initial state from local storage

The ENVIRONMENT_INITIAL_STATE injection token can be used to load the initial state from the local storage, or any other local persistence layer.

import { Provider } from '@angular/core';
import { EnvironmentState } from '@kuoki/environment';
import { ENVIRONMENT_INITIAL_STATE } from '@kuoki/environment-angular';

function initialStateFromLocalStorage(): EnvironmentState {
try {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('environment') ?? '{}');
} catch {
return {};

export const INITIAL_STATE_PROVIDER: Provider = {
useFactory: initialStateFromLocalStorage




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